Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Circumcision: Oh yeah, I'm going there...

I live in the midwest where most people don't think twice about circumcision as it applies to little boys. It is considered normal and no big deal. In fact the text books used in my sex education class in junior high depicted circumcised penises as the norm. I will admit I was one of those individuals who thought intact penises were "gross" because I didn't know any better. I remained ignorant of the horrors of circumcision until I became pregnant with my son. I was pretty sure my husband would want to circumcise because that's what was done to him so I dove in, completely open-minded and willing to learn. What I uncovered opened my eyes to the truth...the truth being that circumcision is unnecessary, unnatural and cruel.

When I saw those innocent little baby boys strapped down to the circumstraint (yes, that horrible device does in fact have a name), crying so hard for someone to comfort them, it made my motherly instincts scream. They hadn't even got to the cutting part yet and I couldn't take it. How can we let this happen to our baby boys? We protect our girls, why not our boys? Then the crushing and cutting and tearing begins and I almost threw up. Circumcision is not just a quick snip like people would have you believe. It is anything but routine in my book. If you haven't seen one done, click on the link below. Just know that you will be horrified by the time it is over or you should be horrified...

The second I held my son in my arms and stared into his face I knew he was perfect and I didn't want to change a thing about him. When I told him he was born perfect, I meant it. How many times does a mother tell her beautiful baby boy how perfect he is and then opt to have a part of his penis cut off? I guess he wasn't born perfect after all. I understand not knowing better. My in-laws circumcised my husband back when there wasn't information readily available to them but nowadays, in my humble opinion, there is no excuse to circumcise your son. Nothing justifies slicing a healthy part of your baby's body off. Nothing. I don't care if you think it looks better or you want him to match his daddy or you think it will decrease's not your penis so it should not be your choice!

I have lost friends on Facebook from my stance on circumcision but will that stop me from speaking for those who cannot speak? No. I will continue to take a stand against circumcision until I have no voice left. Love me or leave me but I'm an intactivist, and I'm here to stay.

Circumcision ends with me.

Here are some great websites that may interest you.

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