Sunday, October 16, 2011

Deceived (Dedicated to the misinformed parents of circumcised boys)

Moms and dads of circumcised boys this is for you
It is easy to forget that you have been deceived too
When your son was born you held him in your arms
You fell in love instantly and wanted to do him no harm
Then the doctor came in and asked, "Do you want to circumcise?"
He told you it was for the best and fed you nothing but lies
"It won't get infected." He promised. "He won't get teased."
"It's cleaner." He insisted. "If he stays whole he will be displeased!
"It's a decision you must make as parents," the doctor explains.
"Do it now while you can. He's a baby. Babies feel very little pain.
"If you don't do it now he'll grow up and have to have it done.
"It's very painful for an adult. Doing it now would be best in the long run."

You only wanted what was best for your perfect baby boy
You hadn't the slightest idea what the doctors were going to destroy
He called it a mere flap of skin, he promised it was just a snip.
If you had known the truth you never would have gone through with it.
The foreskin which is 15 square inches is gone, the soft ridges of the frenar band,
More than 20,000 nerve endings are lost, more things than you can count on your hand,
Several feet of blood vessels are no longer there, and that is by far not all
He will be reminded of it every day when he steps into the shower stall.

The truth eventually found its way to you and you are horrified by what you found.
"What have I done to my baby?" You ask yourself. In your guilt you feel you may drown
Know this, it takes a strong person to admit when you've done something wrong
This lets you begin to heal, even though it feels like it may be taking too long.
You can't change the past but you can work to make the future bright.
If we all stand up together against this horrible practice we can start to make it right.
Talking about what was done to your son is hard to do but can help the healing start.
Stop blaming yourself for trusting someone who is supposed to have your best interests at heart.

Let your son know that you are sorry and explain. It's okay to cry. It's okay to grieve.
You only wanted what was best for your child but instead you were deceived.

Written by: Yours Truly


  1. Thank you so much for this! My son was circumcised before I knew any better, and it haunts me to this day. However, it has really fueled my activism, and I work hard every day to make sure that parents have access to accurate information.

  2. Doctors are not experts on the tip of the penis. This is especially true of the obgyns who do maternity ward circs -- they are trained in female anatomy. Even more, doctors do not know much about human sexuality. Any 30 year old woman whose had a number of sex partners of both kinds knows a lot about foreskin and sexual pleasure that doctors don't know. An American doctor advocating routine circumcision is deceiving you and himself.

    While in college in the 1970s, my future wife learned things from an intact partner that intact yours truly did not learn until his 40s. I am not surprised that many intactivists are str8 women and gay men; they know something because they are the end users of the penis. The obsession to make the penis bald stems in part from a massive sex ed FAIL. And from dishonest medical training.
